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Shared ImpACT
IE Social Responsibility Forum  2012 

  23 & 24 November - Madrid - Spain 

7th IE Social Responsibility Forum in Madrid  has been such a hit!  
It is the largest student-run event on the IE Business School campus and if you are interested in CSR, sustainability, and making a difference in the world, this is the conference to attend.

This year marked the 7th edition of SRF, run in coordination with the IE Net Impact club, and the general theme was “Shared ImpACT,” highlighting how individuals and companies play a role in sustainability. 

Watch this 1.40 minute video to grasp its spirit 

I am really grateful for the invitation, and for the preparation of my two sessions: 
  • How can corporations make a difference and the magnitude of their impact
  • My Story, My Impact ! 
My Story, My Impact!  session had a great feedback from participants and has been  described as one of the best sessions of this year's forum. It was the first time SRF offers  an intimate, dynamic opportunity for speakers to share their personal stories and will most likely become an ongoing element of the forum. 

Preparing My Story, My Impact! was an introspection I gifted myself, a personal journey where the first step was a designed creative activity with a recycled dashboard, paints and a collage of pictures of my life. What a treasure!

Share my colorful presentation 

7th IE Social Responsibility Forum was an experience of Shared ImpACT in itself. Two inspiring days, totally rooted in empathy, full of joy for the opportunity to share, interact, understand and co create with others advantages & disadvantages, dreams & hopes, projects & insights. I could feel the collaborative movement builiding  to achieve a higher good.  

Deeply grateful !


To view complete SRF Program click here 

7th Annual Social Responsibility Forum - Shared ImpACT 

23 - 24 November 2012 -
 IE Business School - Madrid - SPAIN

It is an honor and a great privilege to have been invited as one of the speakers to the SRF Forum. 

Next 23 -24 November, high impact people related to IE (innovative entrepreneurial institution) will be working on the Shared ImpACT issue, which is my every day challenge since 2002 (or even before, but I was not conscious about it then). 
Because I am convinced that few things can be done on an individual basis, when I was asked to submit my answer to  WHAT DOES SHARED IMPACT MEANS TO ME....  I thought it throughly and arrived to this explanation:

"Shared impact is rooted in empathy. The true understanding and internalization of others disadvantages, others dreams, others projects is the first step to begin any collaborative movement to achieve a higher good.  
In this complex world very little can be achieved individually. Paradoxically, the things that make us humans feel good and stable are alike, regardless the culture, social or economic status. 
The collective WE - you and me, we and others -  together working from a shared beginning, sharing the process thus sharing the impact makes a sustainable difference. That is our challenge: empathy, knowledge and skills as collective instruments to achieve an agreed impact, and responsibly share its results."

Looking foward to sharing 2 great days with changemakers, opinion leaders, students and professors. We will sure impact together!

October 15th 2012 - BLOG ACTION DAY ! 

What does the power of WE means to you?

October 4 Class reunion – 25th  anniversary of Secondary School Graduation

What was intended as a formal meeting of an hour and a half - ex alumni Mass and Cocktail - turned out to be one of the most magical moments of my life. Not only because it took  the whole previous week - and believe me it will last for more - but because the power of WE was alive in the hearts and souls of my 80 promotion mates. 

I left school in 1987, on a torrid December (yes I live in the southern hemisphere, snowless Christmas) full of dreams, trips, jobs and loves waiting outside our - oh so grey-  school. Amazing life was around the corner.  I can still sense the freedom I experienced as soon as I took my first step out of school: no more navy blue uniform, no more pony tails for me. I would dress every day the way I wanted and my hair would be breathing to the wind (just as messy as it is today). 

University days, firsts jobs, lots of trips, fiancé, wedding, own family, raising children, increasing commitments. During the last quarter of a century, life was hectic and productive for me. Though I was always in close contact with a bunch of dear school friends - MY FRIENDS - I was totally unaware of the life and destiny of the rest of my 1987 graduate companions. A strange and selfish combination of "I don't care much" and "I have no time to search for them" And I bet that was an ordinary thought among us.

There is good news about becoming older, and it is that certain wisdom comes with maturity. My early forties found me in a reflective mode, searching for the real value in me and in others. My family life and my work are gradually teaching me that I am no heroine at all, and that I need others to make any change happen. In this complex world few things can be done in total isolation, to achieve impact we should rely in others peek and insights. 
A simple human equation: ME + OTHERS = WE.

Back to my 25th  graduation anniversary episode, there was one valuable soul that broke the ice with a straight to the point email to all 1987 classmates “Would you like to share some lines about how was your life since we left school?” As plain as that.  Tons of mails started to overflow my screen and my heart during the previous week to our “formal and distant “ encounter. 

The moment we finally met, that unforgettable Thursday, October 4, bridges to each others´ souls had been knitted carefully and with respect, enabling us to look  right to the eyes and express our gratitude, wordless “I care for you, and I know you care for me”.

It was one of the most tangible way of WE experience I had experienced in years. From now on, these amazing women will not be those anonymous companions: they have became flesh and soul mates to me. I can count on them as well as they can count on me. We know for sure we all are at keystroke distance, and very close to our hearts.

Life goes on, and will become as hectic as before, I am no naïf. But I got this great sensation of recovering a funding WE of my story, and I am ready to bring this amazing women on board of my journey from now on. 
Gratitude to life´s second chances!

DISCAR ´s Annual Gala Dinner 

Cheers DISCAR´s team!
Every year Fundación DISCAR * helds its Gala Dinner Fundraising event. 

Last 4th September, the magnificent Palacio San Miguel in Buenos Aires city, hosted 500 dear friends: business people, actors and actresses, our students with intellectual disabilities and their families, DISCAR ´s team of professionals and a bunch of amazing volunteers.

Vicky Shocron (Founder & President) with
amazing team of volunteers
Together we celebrated our major achievement: DISCAR´s new home.

And together we renewed our commitment: inclusion matters each and every one!

It was a night to remember, a night to celebrate and to go on thriving for the inclusion of people with intellectual dissabilities.

Family + Friends = Pedro & José Luis Alvarez,
Federico & Mónica Recagno


Carolina Tocalli
Executive Director @fundacionDISCAR

* since 1991, DISCAR offers people with intellectual disabilities  assistance to develop their full potential  to be included in normalized labor force and thus be included in society.
Fundación DISCAR estrenó su nueva casa - Aguilar 2612 en ciudad de Buenos Aires

El 25 de julio de 2012, celebramos la inauguración de la nueva sede de DISCAR con un cocktail para los amigos que hicieron posible este sueño.


Conozco a Vicky y a DISCAR desde hace más de 10 años y desde entonces quedé  admirada por su “tener casa propia”. He trabajado con muchos emprendedores sociales del país y del exterior y doy cuenta de su lucha para gestionar el día a día de las organizaciones que lideran. A veces  la creatividad no da abasto cuando abrir las puertas del trabajo depende de otras voluntades (alquileres, préstamos de espacios).

La energía de Vicky, siempre positiva y tenaz, llegó a donde muchos no llegan. Desde hace 2 décadas los alumnos y los profesionales de DISCAR tenemos la certeza de un lugar seguro para desarrollarnos. Nuestra base segura en un contexto de muchas incertidumbres, un privilegio en el sector social argentino.

Me emociona cada vez que veo los videos de cómo se logró la primera casa: Santiago del Estero 866. Cada acción de recaudación, el fútbol de las estrellas, los amigos de DISCAR co creando con Vicky ideas, relaciones  y puentes para llegar al objetivo de la sede propia.

Así  DISCAR fue creciendo puertas adentro – actividades, cursos,  más alumnos, y también creció más allá de sus paredes - los cursos de cocina en IAG, el fútbol y sus torneos y más y más alumnos de DISCAR incluidos en el empleo formal  gracias al Empleo con Apoyo DISCAR .

Durante los últimos 10 años, viví la magia de visitar DISCAR acercando grupos de inversores sociales argentinos y extranjeros.  Busqué compartir con ellos la mirada de inclusión social y laboral, el trabajo en la transición a la vida adulta de las personas con discapacidad intelectual y  la preparación con la que los profesionales de DISCAR trabajan focalizados en cada alumno, para expresar sus  historias y  que vivan su propia vida.

Vicky y DISCAR me cautivaron y desde abril me sumé al equipo, en el momento de la recta final de otro  gran desafío: comprar una nueva casa. Santiago del Estero había quedado chica, ubicada en un barrio con mayores desafíos para alumnos y profesionales.

“Quien  tiene un porqué puede superar cualquier como”, así Vicky una vez más,  desparramó su creativa tenacidad y hoy, nuestra base se trasladó a Aguilar 2612, a una casa espaciosa, alegre, luminosa, segura.

Personalmente, esta nueva sede se abre como un sinfin de oportunidades: 1) acceder a más personas con discapacidad intelectual con nuevos talleres y cursos, en un  barrio de mayor densidad demográfica; 2) ser anfitriones de encuentros con empresas y llegar a los decisores que otorgan empleo con apoyo a nuestros alumnos; 3)  trabajar con nuestra comuna y desde este espacio público incidir en las políticas de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, de nuestro país y de nuestra región.

La nueva casa abrirá muchas puertas siempre que podamos mantener y nutrir nuestro hogar que es nuestra gente. Los alumnos y sus familias que confían en este equipo de profesionales  que hace la diferencia cada día, que se juega en cada clase, en cada acompañamiento. Las empresas que confían en nosotros y nos ofrecen incluir a nuestros jóvenes y adultos en sus grupos de trabajo. Es esta LA CASA DE DISCAR, desde donde podemos transformar la realidad de las personas con discapacidad y nuestra propia realidad. El cambio social sustentable lo construimos día a día entre todos. GRACIAS POR SER PARTE DE NUESTRO CAMBIO.

Lic. Carolina Tocalli
Directora Ejecutiva
Fundación DISCAR


Que todos los argentinos nos detengamos a reflexionar - y hacer nuestras - las MAXIMAS DEL GENERAL DON JOSE DE SAN MARTÍN - 

Hacer hábito de al menos una de ellas, garantiza una MEJOR ARGENTINA 

# Humanizar el carácter y hacerlo sensible

# Amor a la verdad y odio a la mentira.

# Inspirar gran confianza y amistad pero uniendo respeto.

# Caridad con los pobres.

# Respeto sobre la propiedad ajena.

# Acostumbrar a guardar un secreto.

# Indulgencia hacia todas las religiones.

# Dulzura con los criados, pobres y viejos.

# Hable poco y lo preciso.

# Estar formal en la mesa.

# Amor al aseo y desprecio al lujo.

# Amor por la patria y la libertad.

Gral. don José de San Martín (Argentina, 1778-1850)
You need more than words to share your inside

EMPATHYLES activity has been designed to facilitate and nurture the way into eachself.

I encourge the use of creative materials to express the state of a certain moment, a state of mind/ heart, feelings without the tradicional wording. 

Words come out from a different depth, meanful and powerful when letting go creativity in you.

And sometimes no words are needed, just the sharing of creations and the mosaic of them speak for themselves.

I created EMPATHYLES as a personal search, and I been working with it in different and diverse groups

You can read more about its origin EMPATHYLES a journey to oneself, a journey to others - 

Empathyling in Brussels - June 2012
some pictures of the inspiring work done with ci2i global team and a focus group at ci2i global gathering last June

Working on my EMPATHYLES model 
for ci2i global meeting - 13 - 18 June, 2012 - Brussels

Respect Commitment Doing Responsibility Art  Pride - Listening - Humility - Courage - Co Developed - Communities - Self Reflection - Interpersonal Skill
Boundaries - Role Models - Discomfort - Create Space - System Changing Skill

and much more to be explored. Stay tuned !

Mudarse ... qué gran oportunidad! 

Fundación DISCAR se muda. Sí, nos mudamos a una casa más grande que nos permitirá seguir creciendo. Fueron 20 maravillosos años en esta casa, que tanto nos brindó y hoy le damos un adiós agradecido.

Un grupo de alumnos de DISCAR (jóvenes y adultos con discapacidad intelectual) trabajaron con su profesora las movilizaciones internas, los miedos y las ilusiones que traen los cambios.
Muchas gracias por poner en palabras tanto de lo que hoy siento. 

¡ Sigamos por más juntos !
@ ci2i global we have a cumulative experience of over 100 years in facilitating social change in global contexts!
Days ago, in our weekly call, we reached this awesome conclusion: we are 6 women with a cumulative experience of + 100 years, combined knowedge in facilitating social change in international contexts. 
More than that, we live and work on 3 continents now, but we have lived and worked on all continents!
What is that experience we are talking about? 
Christina, Bonnie, Jean, Cheryl, Christelle and me work on how to assess what matters and what works, how to collaborate, how to work internationally.
Each of us sharing knowldge and experience in areas which we have explored individually with some successes, with different partners, and leading social organizations around the globe.
How was ci2i global borned?
A year ago, we decieded to explore and experiment new ideas and concepts to equip today´s changemakers to tackle the challenging new questions that face us.

We nurture collaborative changemaker expertise to accelerate local and global social change and to amplify collective innovation and impact.
Since June 2011 we have designed and implemented the best alternatives to facilitate social change in global contexts.
Last January, in Brussels, we developed #we_b: a co creation experience sharing a day with 22 changemakers from 4 continents.

We will host a 2nd workshop #we_b2, a two days lab next month. And we have a plan for some e-books and other knowledge sharing to come.

Are you looking for new ways to:
a - Break through some big challenges that have been baffling you?
b - Explore new ideas in a collaborative, cross-cultural context?
c - Push your thinking?
d -  Expand your own impact?
Join our #we_b2 in June 16 & 17 at Brussels  http://ci2iglobal.com/x/we_b2.html 

Just like every other project, ci2i global started as a dream 
and is now  an institute where collective impact and innovations occur. 

We invite you to co create with us, please registrate at  
to be part of #we_b2 in a month. 
Stay tunned for more ci2i global news!

En ci2i global acumulamos + de 100 de experiencia facilitando el cambio social en contextos globales
Días atrás, en nuestras conversaciones de trabajo semanales, arribamos a esta maravillosa conclusión: juntas sumamos más de 100 años de experiencia y saberes combinados.

De qué experiencia hablamos? 
Christina, Bonnie, Jean, Cheryl, Christelle y yo analizamos, evaluamos y asesoramos sobre lo que funciona y es central a la hora de colaborar y trabajar internacionalmente.
Desde que perspectiva lo hacemos?
Cada una acerca su experiencia desde las áreas en las que se ha destacado individualmente o liderando equipos en organizaciones sociales.
Cómo nació ci2i global?
Hace un año decidimos comenzar a explorar y experimentar nuevas ideas y conceptos para equipar a los agentes de cambio - changemakers - para llevar adelante sus desafíos cotidianos.
Nuestra intención es nutrir al mercado de changemakers, acercando a los individuos entre sí, a sus propias capacidades, a métodos y herramientas necesarias para navegar el cambio social y alcanzar el impacto deseado.
Desde junio 2011 diseñamos e implementamos las mejores alternativas para facilitar el cambio social en contextos globales. 
El pasado enero, en Bruselas,  desarrollamos el 1º laboratorio #we_b:  una experiencia de co creación entre 22 changemakers de 4 continentes.
Nuestro 2º workshop, #we_b2,  será el próximo mes. Y también planificamos el lanzamiento de varios e-books y otras alternativas para compartir los conocimientos colectivos.

Si estás buscando nuevas formas de expandir tu impacto, explorar nuevas ideas en contextos colaborativos y muti culturales, sumate a #we_b2 , el workshop que desarrollaremos el 16 & 17 de Junio en Bruselas http://ci2iglobal.com/x/we_b2.html 

Como todas las grandes realidades, ci2i global nació de un sueño http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=L0pO1APnni4#!
y hoy es el instituto donde el impacto colectivo y la innovación son reales. 

Te invitamos a seguir co creando juntos, registrate en http://we-x.fikket.be/event/ci2iglobal-invites-you-to-web2-brussels para vivir #we_b2 en Junio.

Seguimos en contacto, tenemos mucho para compartir desde ci2i global ...

2º réplica del modelo de Empleo con Apoyo - EcA de Fundación DISCAR en los mercados de Arcos Dorados McDonald´s en Latinoamérica 
Estamos trabajando en el lanzamiento de la 2º réplica del EcA - empleo con apoyo para personas con discapacidad intelectual - en los McDonald´s de Latinoamérica. Esta vez es el turno de Sao Paulo, como piloto en Brasil. 
Junto al equipo de RRHH de Arcos Dourados y a la organización social socia AVAPE, Fundación DISCAR está planificando los próximos pasos. PARABENS!

2nd scaling of Employment with Support for people with intellectual disabilities - EcA DISCAR in McDonald´s restaurants in Latin America
We are now working in the launching of the 2nd scaling of EcA in McDonald´s restaurants in Latin America. It´s Sao Paulo´s turn to be pilot for Brazil.
Together with Arcos Dourados Human Resources team and the local social organization AVAPE, DISCAR Foundation is planning the next steps. PARABENS!

Comparto con mucho entusiasmo que, a partir de abril, asumí la Dirección Ejecutiva de Fundación DISCAR.

Desde hace 20 años, DISCAR trabaja en la inclusión social y laboral de las personas con discapacidad intelectual. 
  • Es un orgullo y un desafío formar parte de un equipo de profesionales con  tanta experiencia y trayectoria.
  • Es una oportunidad increíble trabajar con una de las emprendedoras sociales que más admiro. Gracias Vicky Shocrón!
  • Es una bendición compartir mi día a día con personas con discapacidad intelectual y con sus familias que buscan equiparar sus oportunidades en todos los ámbitos sociales
  • Es un compromiso - mi compromiso -  trabajar por una sociedad inclusiva y equitativa.
Profundamente agradecida!

Great news to share: I have assumed the Executive Direction at DISCAR Foundation (www.fundaciondiscar.org.ar)

For the last 20 years, DISCAR has been working on the social and labor inclusion for people with intellectual disabilities.

  • It is a privilege and a challenge to be part of a professional team with such a strong experience and successful background
  • It is an incredible opportunity for me to work with one of the social entrepreneurs I admire most: thanks  Vicky Shocrón!
  • It is a blessing to share each day with people with intellectual disabilities and their families, thriving to equate their opportunities in all areas of society
  • It is a commitment - my commitment - to work for an inclusive and more equal society.
With much gratitude!

40,000 Words: Submit your essay for a unique book on empathy for the opposite sex


"Imagine the next month as a member of the opposite sex."

In honor of International Women's Day on 8 March 2012, male and female writers from cultures around the world are invited to submit a 250-700 word essay reflecting on what that experience would bring to you, and what you would miss.

Your essay contributions will be compiled and edited into an innovative and engaging 40,000 word book, tentatively titled ”40,000 Words: global perspectives on being women and men in 2012”.

Please register your intention to submit an essay contribution to the book by 8 March 2012

More information


40,000 Words is an initiative from the WE Alliance, a global collaborative group of social entrepreneurs in women’s empowerment (*) initiated by http://Ashoka.org in June 2011.

The purpose is to co-create a collaborative digital book, to achieve a collective global impact in multiple layers, including:

- Launching the WE Alliance online with a global online dialogue around cross-gender empathy

- Co-creating a meaningful historical artifact through a concrete global collaboration

- Engaging our members and their supporters around a common global campaign, and

- Raising operational funds to support WE Alliance collaborations, our member projects, and their online allies through a revenue sharing online sales strategy.


WE Alliance member innovators around the world are strategically seeking 100+ culturally diverse submissions from male and female writers in the following categories:

- Established bloggers
- Journalists/thought & business leaders
- Youth (ages 12-20) and
- others (especially men) whose perspectives will add value to the book.

Once you pre-register with the form below, you will receive a follow-up message with super simple instructions for sending in your submission by email, and some other cool info about the book you’ll want to know.


1. All submissions must be received by email no later than 8 March 2012 and must include:

- a 250-700 word essay which reflects on spending 1 month as a member of the opposite sex
- a (max) 75 word bio of you (the author), including any links you wish to include

2. You may write in English OR in your native language

3. You are welcome to publish your essay on your own website if you have one, even before the book is launched (ideally in honor of International Women’s Day on March 8!), and to let your readers know that the book will be available at the end of April 2012. All we ask is that you email us the link so we can use it to help build some buzz.

4. Once the book is published (in late April) contributors and potential supporters in your network will be invited to (optionally) benefit from 25% of the proceeds on books you sell, as well as help raise funds for your favorite women’s empowerment initiative featured in the book, through personalized sales links.

YOU MUST REGISTER YOUR INTENT TO CONTRIBUTE to the 40,000 Words project by completing the short form below as soon as possible. Once you've registered you'll be able to see the list of who else is planning to contribute. (To maintain a balance of voices, we may need to close submissions for certain categories as the submissions deadline approaches.)

The final deadline for pre-registration AND for all writer submissions by email is on International Women’s Day (8 March 2012.)

We look forward to including your words in this unique mosaic of global voices!

Please use the WE Alliance facebook group to ask any questions that aren't covered at the links above, or send an email to teamwelab@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you soon! 

(*) The WE Alliance is a group of leading social innovators working in women's empowerment all over the world, that advocates and supports the acceleration of women’s progress, equality and justice.

Our collective objective is to effectively ignite feminine energy in co-creating a new future for the world, with full respect for both men and women and all of their shared and respective qualities.
Our goal is to engage in and nurture cross-dimensional innovation that impacts humanity at every level, for shifting the rate of change in women’s progress, participation and fulfillment around the globe.

Means & Ends - Collaboration & Impact
A dear colleague introduced me to the Pollyanna Principles. Simple, clear, worth sharing that triggered my thinking about the subject I am devoted these days to: achieving impact at scale through collaborations.
I will come with more thoughts soon, in the meantime let´s grasp these principles

The Ends
# 1
We accomplish what we hold ourselves accountable for.
# 2
Each and every one of us is creating the future, every day, whether we do so consciously or not.
The Means
# 3
Everyone and everything is interconnected and interdependent, whether we acknowledge that or not.
# 4
“Being the change we want to see” means walking the talk of our values.
# 5
Strength builds upon our strengths, not our weaknesses.
# 6
Individuals will go where systems lead them.

More http://pollyannaprinciples.org/info/the-principles/